Erasmus+ programme online applications open for AVU students
4/12/2021The selection campaign for future Erasmus students is now open. AVU students who wish to study in a foreign country during the 2021-2011 academic year, travel and make new friends can apply now. Erasmus scholarship applications are available on: https://erasmus.uav.ro/studiu/ between 15-26 April. All required documents can be uploaded directly into the platform, making the application process significantly easier. “This Erasmus student selection system is a first. The platform is one of the steps taken by AVU towards digitalizing the institution. Other digital tools will soon follow, this being an institutional priority that AVU has undertaken through the ERASMUS Charter awarded in 2020 for the 2021-2027 timeframe” declared Assoc. Prof. PhD. Teodor Cilan, AVU Vice-Rector for institutional transparency and international relations.
AVU has signed 115 bilateral agreements with both EU and non-EU universities. AVU`s partner institutions are universities from: Portugal, Germany, France, Spain, Italy. Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Belgium, Cyprus, Check Republic, Bulgaria, Turkey, Slovakia, Estonia, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania. Montenegro, Mexico, Taiwan, India, Belarus, Algeria, Haiti, Cuba, China, Ukraine, Tanzania and Peru.