
StudMath-IT 2023


International Student Conference

November 14th

Room 134, Complex M (2 Elena Drăgoi Street)

The 16th edition of the 'StudMath-IT,' International Student Conference organized by AVU`s Faculty of Exact Sciences - with support from the Ministry of Education- , will take place on November 14th in AVU`s M Complex. The conference provides a unique international platform for students to present their research and participate in scientific discussions in the two available sections: Mathematics and Computer Science.

Online presentations and discussions will be facilitated through advanced digital platforms, while in-person participants will benefit from real-time interactions and networking opportunities. The event will include student participations from national (Arad, Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara, Sibiu, Oradea, Bucharest) as well as foreign universities (India, Algeria, France, Moldova, Serbia, Hungary).

For more details see: