Univ Aurel Vlaicu 1

Successful Brands, Business Ideas, and a Project with Tradition hosted by AVU Arad


A successful local entrepreneur, Dan Anca, along with numerous business ideas from AVU`s Faculty of Economics` students, have sparked discussions in the realm of applied business during the seventh edition of the "Stimulating the Creativity of local young people in the Economic and Social Field through Entrepreneurial Projects and Simulations" project.

The project, carried out with support from the Municipal Cultural Center and organized by the Faculty of Economics, aimed to provide students with a market-viable business model, along with the story of the entrepreneur who created it.

The special guest for this edition was Dan Anca from Arad, the businessman behind the brands Art Café, Roca Brună, and La Pergola.

A story that captivated students, prompted them to ask questions, and undoubtedly instilled them with the confidence that any good idea can be the beginning of a successful business.

For more details see: https://www.uav.ro/en/news/branduri-de-succes-idei-de-afaceri-%C8%99i-un-proiect-de-tradi%C8%9Bie-la-uav-arad