Sport 3

Teodor Cilan: "An Extraordinary Achievement for Our University"


A remarkable achievement told by the protagonists themselves — this could sum up the press conference hosted by "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad, attended by part of the AVU football team which won the University Football Championship on Sunday.

Challenging matches in the championship, a lot of hard work, a lot of dedication, and corresponding results. The AVU team, coached by Claudiu Bulzan, won the championship final by defeating the University of Târgu Jiu`s team with a score of 4-0. Throughout the four matches played in the final tournament, the team from Arad conceded only one goal in the match against Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca.

"I was present, and I am glad that I was able to support them from the stands during the final match, alongside my colleagues and students. It was a very emotional game, but the boys played exceptionally well and won. I have congratulated them then, and we congratulate them now, wishing them great success at the European University Championship in Hungary," declared AVU Rector Teodor Cilan.

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