"Aurel Vlaicu " University of Arad – meeting place for European projects
10/18/2022Teams from three European projects met last week in Arad, in an AVU hosted week-long event. Professional from 5 countries (Finland, Estonia, Spain, Greece and Italy) have taken part in training activities alongside a team from AVU`s Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work.
„Our university`s involvement in European projects opens up new training perspectives, institutional development opportunities and, at the same time, affords increased visibility at an international level. I would like to congratulate the faculty`s team for their involvement and results obtained with European projects”. declared Ramona LILE, AVU Rector.
Teachers, educators, psychologists and social workers have taken part in specialty meetings hosted by local schools, kindergartens and social centers for special needs children.
For further details see: https://www.uav.ro/stiri/universitatea-aurel-vlaicu-din-arad-spa%C8%9Biu-de-%C3%AEnt%C3%A2lnire-%C3%AEn-proiecte-europene