AVU to host ARS Theologica Days
10/24/2022During the 28th of October - 2nd November AVU`s Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities will host the first edition of the Ars Theologica Days Conference with the aid of the organizing Ars Theologica Research Centre.
Theological debates, religious music and book launches are some of the events to take place in Arad during the aforementioned period in the presence of both foreign and domestic guests.
The first day of the conference shall be dedicated to Prof. Corneliu Constantineanu, ex AVU teaching staff member, and will tackle the topic of “Reconciliation in the public space”.
On the 29th of October, starting at 20.00 hours, the Glasul Iubirii Orchestra of Timisoara and guests is to perform the Ars Theologica concert in the main hall of the Cultural Palace.
The next couple of days will afford guests the chance to engage in religious debates and on the 2nd of November, Prof. Habil. Parush Parushev will lecture on “Critical thinking in theological research”.
Religious book launches and exhibitions will take place during the entire event.