University Senate

The University Senate represents AVU`s academic community and it is the highest university level decisional factor. It guarantees academic freedom and autonomy in addition to conducting activities meant to increase institutional quality, professional ethics, academic excellence and better research activities.

Permanent Senate Office, according to the Decision of the Senate of "Aurel Vlaicu" University from Arad No. 17 of March 25, 2024:

President: Prof. Dr. Alexandru POPA


Prof. Dr. Habil. Lucian-Octav COPOLOVICI
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adina BUCEVSCHI
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adela-Ileana DRĂUCEAN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Camelia STOIAN
Lecturer Dr. Adina-Eleonora SPÎNU
Student Lorena-Anca Kis-KASZA