“Cornelia Bodea” University Library
Piaţa Avram Iancu, No. 7, Arad.
"Cornelia Bodea" University Library ensures a more than adequate book fund for the students’ documentation and scientific research needs.
Librarian: Rodica Madroane
Phone: 0257 210389
Mail: romadro@yahoo.com
Public hours
Monday - Thursday : 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09: 00 : 16:00
Public hours during the exam period
Monday - Friday : 09:00 - 19:00
“Cornelia Bodea” University library plays an important role in aiding the learning process as well as scientific research related tasks. AVU`s library has two study halls, amasses over 71000 books, affords access to computers, internet and WIFI connection. Student access is offered in accord with the above schedule (different hours for semester vs. exam periods) so as to provide an adequate study environment.
Besides its book collection, the library offers access to periodicals, PhD theses and various other types of documents. Document search is available in both classic formats (alphabetical, chronological and systematized file search) as well through electronic databases. AVU also offers ANELiS+ access.
Inter-library loans offer access to documents available with our internal and external permanent collaborators. The student community, members of the academic staff as well as members of the local community are all offered access to information and documentation by way of the 17 modern onsite workstations.
Libraries and e-Libraries
- Biblioteca Universitară "Cornelia Bodea", Universitatea "Aurel Vlaicu" Arad
- Reviste pe categorii
- e-Biblioteci
- Biblioteca Academiei Române
- "Personalităţi care au schimbat lumea" (Biblioteca Academiei Române)
- Biblioteca Naţională a României
- Biblioteca Centrală Universitară "Carol I"
- Biblioteca Centrală Universitară "Lucian Blaga" Cluj Napoca
- Biblioteca Centrală Universitară "Mihai Eminescu" Iaşi
- Biblioteca Centrală Univeristară "Eugen Todoran" Timişoara
1.Free ANELiS -INID access
2. AVU free access to the following online databases:
- Science Direct: www.sciencedirect.com
- Springer Link: www.springerlink.com
- ISI: www.isiknowledge.com
- SCOPUS: www.scopus.com
3. DOAJ free access
Organigrama bibliotecii