Faculty departments
Departments / Faculties (in accord with art.133 of L.1/2011)
The Law of National Education, published in the Official Journal of Romania no. 18/10.01.2011, henceforth referred to as Law 1/2011, stipulates in art. 133 that:
„The department is the functional academic unit that ensures the creation, dissemination and capitalization of knowledge in one or more areas of specialty”
The Department is an important academic entity, playing an essential role in the university`s operational functioning, fact that is made evident in art. 130, paragraph b; art.207- (1) c) and (4); art.207 (1); art. 213 –(11), (12) and art.286 (4) of Law 1/2011 as well as from AVU`s Charter (art. 125-127 etc.).
1. Faculty of Exact Sciences:
Department of Mathematics-Informatics
2. Faculty of Engineering:
Department of Automation, industrial engineering, textile production and transport
3. Faculty of Food Engineering, Tourism and Environmental Protection:
Department of Technical and Natural Sciences
4. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
Department of Modern Languages and Socio-Humanistic Sciences
5. Faculty of Physical Education and Sport:
Department of physical education and sport performance
6. Faculty of Economics:
Department of economic studies
7. Faculty of Design:
Department of Design, visual communication and applied arts
8. Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work:
Department of pedagogy, psychology and social work
9. Faculty of Theology:
Department of theological studies