Internal Public Audit
Internal documents pertaining to the internal public audit activity
- Raport audit intern 2012
- Raport privind activitatea de audit public intern pe anul 2013
- Raportul de audit public intern pe anul 2014
- Raport activitate de audit public intern anul 2015
- Raport activitate de audit public intern anul 2016
- Raport activitate de audit public intern anul 2017
- Raport activitate de audit public intern anul 2018
Internal public audit activities within Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad are carried out via the Internal Public Audit Office, which is superintended by the Rector.
The Office conducts an independent and objective activity, counseling the university`s managerial team in order to properly manage public income and expenditures and to aid the public entity in accomplishing its objectives through a methodical and systemic approach, one that evaluates and betters the efficiency of the managerial system. The Internal Public Audit Office, given its assistance and counseling functions, is a different entity compared to any other office involved solely in control or inspection activities.
The Office for Public Internal Audit functions in accord with the following legislative elements:
Law no.672/2002 pertaining to public internal audit, republished with all subsequent modifications;
Government Decision no.1086/2013 for the approval of the General Standards regarding the activity of internal public audit;
OMEN no.5509/2017 regarding the general methodological standards about conducting internal public audit activities at the level of the Ministry of Education -when there are no Government Decision no.1086/2013 and Internal Audit Charter specific audit standards in place -