The assessment of the time allocated to the physical activity and food behaviour of a lot of adolescents from 2 highschools in Suceava
In the framework of the external factors that influence the growth/development
of the students, sports activity and alimentation play an essential role.
Material and method: The study was conducted on a batch of 98 teenagers
from 2 highschools in Suceava. They filled in a questionnaire with questions
relating to the time allotted for physical activity and dietary habits. Results
and discussion: in most cases the students allocated daily physical activity
between 15 and 60 minutes (54.08%). The dominant contribution of milk
is 2-3 times per week (31.63%) and chicken meat (51.02%). The result is
unsatisfactory, which highlight the problems related to the consumption of
food products of animal origin. Cooked vegetables are present in the menus
especially 4-7 times (36.73%) and bread (72.44%). Conclusions: the time
allotted for daily activities is pretty modest and the intake of animal origin
products is low.
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