The Role of Didactic Strategies in Optimizing the Training of Handball Players at the Wing Post – the Analysis of the Somatic Ind


  • Andrei Răzvan Bernicu
  • Nicolae Mihăilescu


Scope. Designing a didactic strategy means predictability, experience and
adaptation of methods and means to the structure of human material, which
highlights and differentiates it from the algorithm : the strategy offers alternatives,
the option of manifesting intelligent behavior, while the algorithm
involves a mechanical state of an action sequence. Methodology. The experiment
took place between December 2017 - June 2018, in the city of Suceava,
with the 18 team of Suceava Sports High School specialized on the wing
post. During this period, the team maintained its regular training program,
the wings following our proposed program to analyze its effect on improving
the tracking parameters. We estimate that the scientific approach to training,
from the perspective of the physical, technical and psychological components
of sports training, will increase the competitive yield. Results. After we aplly
our program we see the changes: - at the body fat of the extreme players
decreasing significantly from 15.72 ± 3.42% to 13.57 ± 2.52%; - the level of
active mass of our subjects recorded a statistically significant increase from
42.73 ± 1.97% to 45.97 ± 2.16%; - the basal energy needs of our athletes suffer
a significant increase, from 1697 ± 127.6 kcal to 1818 ± 124.1 kcal. Conclusion.
The training program has show us good results, but any planning
can not achieve perfection, requiring continuous improvements, gait adjustments
and additions in line with the requirements of modern handball. The
proposed program can be continuously implemented in the research team, by
adapting to the conditions of the moment and the proposed objectives.

Author Biographies

Andrei Răzvan Bernicu

Sports High School Suceava

Nicolae Mihăilescu

University of Pitesti


