Achievement Goal´s Orientation of Youth Brazilian Gymnastics: TEOSQ Factorial Exploration
The aim of the research was testing the reliability and the exploratory factor
analysis of the instrument TEOSQ, and then offer the results of the goals orientation and comparing the results by age of the youth Brazilians gymnastics.
Methodology. This research was based on a descriptive quantitative
boarding, and the instrument used was the TEOSQ; Take part in this research
58 (n=58) female youth gymnastics’, aged 7 to 20 years (age average
10.72±3.05) of the Itupeva City, São Paulo, Brazil. The statistical used was
the Alpha´s Cronbach, Exploratory Factor Analysis (Varimax) above Mean,
median, standard deviation and Spearman correlation. The results displayed
the internal stability of the instrument with ego´s Alpha of 0.80 and task´s Alpha
of 0.70; Rotated matrix (Varimax) with two factors, in factor 01 the group
of issues was located related to ego orientation and for the factor 02 the group
of issues were liked to task orientation. Conclusion. Concerning the goal´s
orientation the results shows the prevalence of task orientation (4.45±0.79)
besides ego orientation (2.64±1.28), so we can consider that this group is
more involved in learning and practicing more to have a better performance
in competition an presentation overall, the instrument seems to be relevant.