General physical training at Judoka from rural areasIntroduction.


  • Mihai Kunszabo


physical training, questionnaire, judo, tests, measurements


Introduction. Physical training plays a decisive role in forming a solid base for high
performance in judo. In the first year of preparation of the Judokans, there is a special emphasis
on the development of the basic motor qualities: strength, speed, resistance, skill and mobility.
The physical training of the judokan is a continuous process, a relatively long period of
achievement at a high level is required. With children aged 6-10 years, no emphasis will be
placed on strength and resistance, the activity being oriented on the development of speed and
skill. The planning of the process of improving the motor qualities for a long period is imposed
by the uneven development of the motor qualities of the Judokans. Also, age particularities must
be taken into account. For the development of motor qualities, general and specific exercises are
used. General physical exercises are selected from complementary sports, being adapted to the
specific judo.
The purpose of the preliminary research is to identify the suspicious appeals of optimization and
operationalization in the national programs of the FRJ "Judo in schools" and "Judo in villages" in
order to develop an efficient implementation strategy and to evaluate their effects or a mix- Judo
in schools in rural areas.
Hypothesis. In this paper I started from the premise that the implementation of training and
training programs of children between the ages of 6-10 must take into account the level of
general physical training. This will lead to the crystallization of a national judo strategy in rural
areas from a technical and tactical point of view.
Working methodology. In order to carry out the investigation I developed a questionnaire with
10 items that I distributed to the 14 specialists involved in the national program "Judo La Sate",
considering that they best know the aspects that a program to promote the judo in schools from
the rural area.

Results. From the analysis of the answers to those questioned, we have detached the fact that at
the level of the local communities there is openness and support for the successful organization
and implementation of the "Judo La Village" program. The support comes from the parents but
also from the schools, and the coaches are supported by the local councils.
Conclusions. The final conclusion is that the training program applied by us was effective,
beneficial for creating the premises of the future performances of the little judoka in the village
(rural) environment.

Author Biography

Mihai Kunszabo

“Children’s Palace” Arad


