Characterization and Comparison of the Participant’s Perception about the Quality of the Fitness Group Exercise Instructor, Considering the Practiced Activity


  • Francisco Campos Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Coimbra Education School, Coimbra / Portugal
  • Vera Simões Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior, Rio Maior / Portugal
  • Susana Franco Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior, Rio Maior / Portugal


The studies developed by Franco et al. (2004) and Alves et al. (2013) indicate that the practiced activity could influence the perceived quality of the group exercise fitness participants. By that, the aim of this study is to characterize and compare the participant’s perception about the quality categories and dimensions of the fitness group exercise instructor, defined by Campos (2015), considering the practiced activity (Aerobics, Aquaro- bics, Hip Hop, Resistance Training, Step). The questionnaire QIF-AG were applied to 745 fitness participants (35,41±13,41 years old). Was analyzed the mean values in general e and per activity, for characterization, and the results of the one-way ANOVA test (and the Tukey HSD post hoc test) for comparison. The categories with highest mean values are ethics (M=6,45), cordiality (M=6,45), sympathy (M=6,44) (Relational Quality dimension), assiduity (M=6,51), dedication (M=6,47) and technical execution (M=6,46) (Technical-pedagogical Quality dimension). The results shows that are significant differences in the Relational Quality dimension (p=0,029) and in the categories: communication (p=0.000), availability (p=0,016), gaiety (p=0,010), honesty (p=0,001), sympathy (p=0,030), from Relational Qual- ity; suitability (p=0,035), technical training (p=0,003), planning (p=0,017), punctuality (p=0,001), innovation (p=0,011) and assiduity (p=0,021), from Technical-pedagogical Quality. It is important for all the intervenient in the fitness area (owners, general managers, technical managers, trainers and instructors) the analysis of the obtained results, understanding the partic- ipant’s perceived quality, allowing the instructor to adapt its intervention, trying to satisfy the participants, keeping them with high motivation levels and loyalty intention.


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