Attitudes, Goals Orientation and Stress of Youth Kung Fu Fighters


  • Luciana Midoriy Hatamia Raymundo Nossa Cidade College, Brazil
  • Consoelo Leite Dos Santos Nossa Cidade College, Brazil
  • Ewerton Rodrigues Lopes Nossa Cidade College, Brazil
  • Carlos Eduardo Lopes Verardi Paulista State University – UNESP, Brazil
  • Ademir De Marco Campinas State University – UNICAMP, Brazil
  • Vinicius Barroso Hirota Mackenzie Presbiterian University


The aim of this study was evaluate the motivation, attitudes and pre-competi-

tive stress of Youngers Brazilians Kung Fu fighters. As instruments, we applied

the Teosq, Ssca and Lsscpi correlation each one in a total of 21 students, age

between 7 and 16 years old. By the results, we check mean for task orientation

4.31 and for ego orientation 2.53; for the positive attitudes the mean was 2.86

and for negative was 2.16, and the girls presents more stressed before the com-

petitions than the boys, 2.90 and 2.61 respect. In this case, boys have tendency

to task orientation,positive attitudes for the competition and more control in

stress pre competitive. This results show that in correlation we have tendency

to ego orientation, negative attitudes and higher level of stress in girls conclud-

ing that the characteristics related to stress tend to affect the development of a

positive orientation as the orientation characteristics to task, which lead athletes

to work harder and be aware of their skills.


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