Assessing the biomotric potential of eighth-grade pupils in the rural area of Arad County


  • Viorel Bitang Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad
  • Vasile Liviu Andrei Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad
  • Ardelean Viorel Petru Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad
  • Daniel Ioan Åžugar Secondary School Vladimirescu, Arad
  • Andrei Bitang “House of Champions”Foundation


The purpose of the research is to characterize the somatic, functional and
motoric potential of the school population and to identify/establish the level
of manifestation of its components and the interrelationships between them.
We also want to compare the results of our study with the results of a nationwide
study. Methods: This work is part of a larger study in progress, where
participated 536 pupils from elementary and midlle school, but the current
study consider only 35 boys, in the eighth grade. We achieved a comprehensive
and coherent picture of the current biometric development of the
rural population and we increased the capability and quality of sport within
pupils. Results: our study group gain the folowing anthropometric measurements:
age: 13,83±0,38, weight: 49,23±9,84, height: 160,23±8,04, range of
arms: 156,37±26,81. We also measured some motor skills where we obtained
the following values: Spine mobility: 0,51±5,90, Speed: 7,26±0,57, Resistance:
4,30±0,37, Pushups: 23,29±6,79, Long jump: 163,03±16,23, Crunch:
22,8±3,02, Throwing ball: 33,89±9,39. Conclusion. Engaging all children in
free school and extracurricular activities, creating the sensory environment
suited to somatic development and motor skills and qualities, where each
question comes with a statement that precedes it and every statement with a
motivation, we come up with a “project†in which new ideas come to you,
you can see what goes wrong and what does not, then you can improve it
even if not all the others are satisfied, but, as a whole, it satisfies more than
any idea.


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