Tradiţia, Fundamentul Exprimărilor Noastre
The traditions are an experienced informational system, which has as purpose the transfer of knowledge and a tradition is a practice, a habit, a history that has been stored and transmitted from generation to generation without the need for a written system as foundation and often they are assumed to be ancient invariable and deeply important.The idea of tradition is important in philosophy. The 20th century and the contemporary Western philosophy is often divided between “analytic†tradition, an English-speaking dominant and Scandinavian countries and the “continental†tradition dominant in the German and the European romantic area. In archaeology a tradition refers to a set of cultures or industries that seem to grow from one to the other, within a certain period of time. Using the tools of the Romanian folk art techniques and traditional carpentry techniques, for example, one can reconstruct the religious building or the traditional living spaces. We can thus observe carefully, the features of creation of the anonymous artist sensitive soul, transposed into the world of the story, music and dance, a world of tradition, carried further up in our contemporary life through hard work and passion, to those who have studied it with the necessary interest. The art being a total activity, within which the mystical factor, the belief in the neighbor, but also the concept and interest values, in order to carry out in a real manner the work, are of prime importance, therefore the idea that the artistic temperament is a type of filter and accomplishment, exactly for the identification of the idiotype, which generates the work of art. All languages are represented by symbols, through his work, “On Interpretation,†Aristotle conveys the idea that spoken words are the symbols of mental experience and written words are symbols of spoken words.Â