Useful Resources in the Field of Teacher Training
6/14/2024The Ministry of Education has made available to teaching staff a new resource in the field of teacher training, the website https://www.eprof.ro/.
The website was created in the context of implementing the non-competitive systemic project POCU/904/6/25/Composite Operation OS 6.5, 6.6, COD SMIS 146587 Professionalization of the Teaching Career - PROF, carried out by the Ministry of Education.
Through this project, a coherent and reliable national system for professional training and the development of teaching competencies, including pedagogical training, was established. This is necessary for holding and performing a teaching position, to achieve pedagogical performance in pre-university education in Romania, in teaching/training activities, and in educational management activities.
Here, you can access: the National Register of Mentor Teachers in Pre-University Education, the National Register of Trainers in Pre-University Education, the National Register of Accredited Continuing Professional Development Programs, the National Network of Application Schools, as well as many other resources required for a teaching career.