
  • Sanja Filipovic


textbook/ art / methodology of teaching


The research represents the analysis of a
methodological approach to textbook literature, regarding
Art as a school subject, in our current educational practice,
as well as an attempt to define the attitude of teachers
regarding the use of textbook literature in teaching Art. We
have also observed the efficiency of the Questionnaire for
teachers, as an instrument, which was specially created for
the need of the survey. The results achieved have shown
insufficient use of the Art textbook as a teaching instrument
in our educational practice. It has also implied that teachers
pay little attention to the didactic-methodological function
of textbook literature for the above- mentioned subject,,
which results in the insufficient use of it on the part of
The basic expectations of the research were to attain a more
reliable interpretation of the above- mentioned
phenomenon, with the help of the results and the
interpretation of the research, and in the light of theoretical
settings and the previous studies of textbook literature,
which has a wider pedagogical relevance. It was also
expected to serve as a starting- point for the promotion of
Art teaching methodology as a scientific discipline and
practice in schools.


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