
    Vol. 37 No. 1 (2025)


    Vol. 36 No. 1 (2024)


    Vol. 35 No. 1 (2024)

  • Educatia Plus
    Vol. 34 No. 2 (2023)

    Vol. 33 (2023)

    Vol. 32 No. 1 (2023)

    Vol. 31 No. 2 (2022)

    Vol. 30 No. 1 (2022)

    Vol. 29 No. 2 (2021)

    Vol. 28 No. 1 (2021)

    Vol. 27 No. 2 (2020)

    Vol. 26 No. 1 (2020)

    Vol. 25 No. 2 (2019)

    Editorial Board Members

    Editor-in-chief: Gabriela KELEMEN, Ph.D.

    Editor: Camelia Nadia BRAN, Ph.D.

    Editor: Henriette TORKOS, Ph.D.

    Scientific manager: Alina Felicia ROMAN, Ph.D.


    Scientific Committee (in alphabetical order):

    1. Adriana NICU, Ph.D., „Lucian Blaga†University of Sibiu (Romania)
    2. Alicja R. SADOWNIK, Ph.D., Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway)
    3. Alina Maria BREAZ, Ph.D., “Aurel Vlaicu†University of Arad (Romania)
    4. Anca EGERĂU, Ph.D. “Aurel Vlaicu†University of Arad (Romania)
    5. Calin DRAGOI, Ph.D., Pedagogue Gemeinnützige Schottener Reha Ltd. (Germany)
    6. Claudiu LANGA, Universitu of Pitesti, Romania
    7. Dalila LINO, Ph. D., University of Lisabon (Portugal)
    8. Daniela CRETU, Ph.D., “Lucian Blaga†University, Sibiu (Romania)
    9. Dorin HERLO, Ph.D., “Aurel Vlaicu†University of Arad (Romania)
    10. Elena GONZALES, Ph. D., University of Cordoba (Spain)
    11. Esra EMOLU, Ph. D., University of Marmara (Turkey)
    12. Evelina BALAȘ, Ph.D. “Aurel Vlaicu†University of Arad (Romania)
    13. Fabrizio D’ANIELLO, Ph.D., Università di Macerata (Italia)
    14. Grozdanka GOJKOV, Ph.D., Educational Academy of Virset (Serbia)
    15. Indu GARG, Ph.D., Universityof Mumbai (India)
    16. Lucian CIOLAN, University of Bucharest (Roumanie)
    17. Magdalena WAWRZYNIAK-ŚLIWSKA, University of Gdańsk, Poland
    18. Manuel Luís Pinto CASTANHEIRA, Ph.D., IPB (Portugal)
    19. Mariana MARIN, Ph. D., Institute of Science Education, Chisineu (Republic of Moldavia)
    20. Marinel NEGRU, Ph.D., Belgrade University (Serbia)
    21. Mihaela GAVRILA-ARDELEAN, Ph.D., “Aurel Vlaicu†University of Arad (Romania)
    22. Mihai STANCIU, Ph. D., “Ion Ionescu de la Brad†University of Iaşi (Romania)
    23. Mindy L. KORNHABER, Ed.D., Pennsylvania State University (USA)
    24. Miron IONESCU, Ph. D., “Babes-Bolyai†University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
    25. Muşata-Dacia BOCOŞ, Ph.D., “Babes-Bolyai†University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
    26. Nicolae MITROFAN, Ph.D., University of Bucharest (Romania)
    27. Otilia CLIPA, Ph.D., University Stefan cel Mare of Suceava, Romania
    28. Patricia DAVIES, Ph.D., Project Director, EUCEN (Great Britain)
    29. Paola NICOLINI, Ph.D., Università di Macerata (Italia)
    30. Silvia GUETTA, Ph.D., Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italia)
    31. Sonia IGNAT, Ph.D., Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad
    32. Steliana TOMA, Ph.D., Thecnique University Bucharest (Romania)
    33. Svetlana KURTES, Ph.D., University of Cambridge, (United Kingdom)
    34. Toma Alexandru SAVA, Ph.D. “Aurel Vlaicu†University of Arad (Romania)
    35. Vasile CHIS, Ph.D., Babes-Bolyai†University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
    36. Yolanda BENITO, Ph.D., Huerta del Ray University (Spain)
    37. Zbigniew FORMELLA, Ph.D., Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma (Italia)


    The Editorial Board reserve the right to correct possible spelling errors.

    The authors assume responsibility for the contents of the materials published.






    1. Veljko R. Banđur MANDIĆ, Dragan D. MARTINOVIĆ, Ivko A. NIKOLIĆ Teachers' training for the new roles in teaching 7
    2. Henrietta TORKOS, Alina ROMAN, Time, space and resource management in outdoor education 11
    3. Georgiana-Viorica TEȘILEANU, Marius BAZGAN, The need for change of the organizational culture in the pre-university school environment – a multiple case study 20
    4. G. OKOEDION, U.C. OKOLIE, I.D. UDOMPerceived factors affecting students’ academic performance in Nigerian universities 26
    5. Eudjen CINC, Some of the specifics of music creativity development at the preschool age 38
    6. Maria LUNGU, Emotional intelligence and vocational schools 43
    7. Vladan PELEMIŠ, Marinel NEGRU, Ivko NIKOLIĆ, Differences of morphological characteristics and motor abilities of students involved in different kinesiological activities 50
    8. Ioana PETRE, Constative Study Regarding the Choosing Criteria of the Educational Institution 60
    9. Dana RAD, Edgar DEMETER, Alina ROMAN, Tiberiu DUGHI, Sonia IGNAT, Gavril RAD, The curvilinear relationship between helping attitudes display and emotional regulation difficulty in cyberbullying incidents 70
    10. Viktória ÅRI, Ildikó RUDNÃK, The communication of economic organizations in situation of asymmetric information 76
    11. Gabriela VANCU, Tiberiu DUGHI, Denisa BUZGÄ‚U, Aggressiveness and video games at the students from primary school 84
    12. Ionela GRAMA, Daniela POPA, Mariana NOREL, Bilingual student’s self-regulation and academic performance 92
    13. Esther Ekene AGHAUCHE, Mercy Ifeyinwa ANYAEGBU, Availability of library and information resources for inclusive education of visually impaired primary school pupils in south east Nigeria 98
    14. Rodica Mariana NICULESCU, Analyzing and supporting the well-being through education in an intercultural-society 106
    15. Alina Maria BREAZ, Gender differences in recovery of communication difficulties in preschool children 113
    16. Cosmin GOIAN, Parents counseling for improving the capacity of socialization of their preschool children 122
    17. Gabriela KELEMEN, Dana RAD, Edgar DEMETER, Roxana MAIER, Anca EGEREU, Evelina BALAS, Revenge and ignorance as weapons of hate speech 132
    18. Carmen Maria CHISIU, Lack of training - cause of the lag behind 137
    19. Dorin Herlo, CC Platform - a digital innovation and collaborative tool for teachers. Aspects of its impact in Romania 142
    20. Regis-Mafteiu ROMAN, Communication in the media information society 150
    21. Iulia Ramona HERMAN, Study on the impact of the continuous training program classroom management - effective strategies 155
    22. Letiția Simona TRIF MUNTEAN, Early education: from the design of the curriculum to the training of later skills 164
    23. Cornel Victor IGNA, Theoretical contributions and coherent strategies in early education in Romania 171
    24. Isabelle TOURNIER, Cecile HANON, Simon VASSEUR-BACLE, Jocelyn DELOYER, Marguerite MORAITOU, Emmanouil TZANAKIS, Mihaela GRAVRILA-ARDELEAN, Gabriela KELEMEN8, &. Laurence FOND-HARMANT, Mental health care networks in older adults: a narrative review 179
    25. Mihaela GAVRILA-ARDELEAN, Children’s right to benefit from health services and health education 188
    26. Dalia STOIA, Mona VINTILÄ‚, Mihaela MINULESCU, Ana Cristina BREDICEAN, Practice Guidelines for Specialists Dealing with Parents of Children on the Spectrum 192
    27. Beatrice MAGURAN, The relationship between body appreciation, body self-esteem and attitude towards eating in children 198
    28. Rucsandra HOSSU, Primary school children`s attitude toward recreational and academic reading 208
    29. HalynaYELNYKOVA, Olha YEROMENKO, Adaptive technology development algorithm 213
    30. Daniela - Carmen POPA, Conscious listening for the development of vocal culture 221
    31. Anca EGERÄ‚U, Development of positive interaction behaviors in the educational group 227


  • PLUS EDUCATION Volume Special Issue

      Articles from nr.1 to nr.29 published in JPE, Nr.24, JULY, 2019 are scientific articles  from  The 19th Biennial Conference of International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT)"Education beyond the crisis: new skills, children's rights and teaching contexts" 1st - 5thJuly 2019, Sibiu, Romania
    Vol. 22 No. 1 (2019)

    Vol. 20 No. 2 (2018)

    Vol. 19 No. 1 (2018)

    Vol. 18 No. 2 (2017)

    Vol. 17 No. 1 (2017)

    Vol. 16 No. 2 (2016)

    Vol. 14 No. 1 (2016)

    Vol. 13 No. 2 (2015)

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