
  • Christinne Schmidt BabeÈ™-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Letters


Narration, Multimodality, Comics, Reading Strategies,


In the present article, I try to define comics as multimodal narratives, in order to explain the role it plays in our modern culture and to outline a series of reading strategies it requires. The research focuses on a theoretical approach to comics, but also on the analysis of the vocabulary of comics – both visual and linguistic – which reveals the reading practices it demands. Furthermore, I try to prove that the transformations of our society (regarding technology but also the types of discourse) increase the presence of multimodal texts (such as comics, advertising, poster and film) in our daily lives. Consequently, learning how to read multimodal narratives may become equal to learning how to read the world we live in. This is precisely why the research includes an experiment focused on a didactic approach to comics.


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