school absenteeism, rural environment, high school students, Romania.Abstract
The present article highlights the factors that favor the high absenteeism of high school students in rural areas. The first part of the article includes an analysis of the literature, and the second part presents and analyses the research carried out in April-May 2020 with the aim of identifying the causes of school absenteeism of high school students in rural areas. As far as the design of the research is concerned, this is a quantitative one that used the questionnaire as a research tool. The participants in this study were 82 students from two rural high schools in Hunedoara County. The research tool used tracked family-type factors, namely the relationship between family members, the encouragement and interest of parents towards school and alcohol consumption; on the other hand, economic factors (income and difficulties caused by lack of income) and social factors (entourage, how students tend to spend their time when not attending school) were targeted. The questionnaire was completed online through a Google Forms app, and their results highlight problems related to school absenteeism in students from violent families whose members are drinkers; the same is true among those whose parents are of little or perhaps non-existent interest in the child’s school results. Family low-income makes attending school difficult and favours the entry into the labour market for young people who want to support their family financially.
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