Visual perception, school maturity, children pictures, 5-6 year old childrenAbstract
In this study, the relationship between the visual perception levels of 5-6 year-old children and school maturity as well as their drawings of human picture is investigated. The participants of the study are 53 5-6 year-old children attending the Preschool Application Center at Marmara University. In order to collect data, the Frostig Visual Perception Test (FVPT), Goodenough-Harris Draw a Person Test and Marmara Primary School Readiness Test (MPRT) were used. The effect of the visual perception development level on the school maturity and the drawing of human pictures are analyzed by means of the simple linear regression analysis technique. Concerning the results, it was realized that the ability of visual perception is strongly explanatory of the school readiness and the developmental level assessed by the Goodenough-Harris Draw a Person Test. Also, it was found that the development of drawing a picture assessed by the Draw a Person Test significantly predicts school readiness. The predictive strength of the FVPT’s sub dimension of “hand-eye coordination†was found to be significantly meaningful in predicting MPRT’s “labyrinth†and “line†sub dimensions. The findings yielded in the study are compared to both national and international research findings and the predictive value of these instruments in predicting school readiness is discussed.
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