
  • Mihaela Neacsu University of Pitesti Faculty of Educational Sciences


The paper starts from the axiological dimension of education and places under analyses the possibility of curriculum integration for the education of values as a pedagogical solution that gives responsibility to all participants in education towards the reversion and correct reporting of the young people to the permanent values of humanity. There are present some studies and researches from previous years on the young Romanians’ values. Nowadays the young are under the threat of assimilating false values just because they are „in vogueâ€. In this context, the education for values as an integrated curriculum project can offer real answers to the young people’s issues: „How should I live my life?â€, „How should I be?â€, „What kind of person I would like to become?â€. In creating situations of integrated learning the integrated curriculum models are very useful, as they serve the practitioners to this project in creating the educational design for training/development of cross-curriculum competences. 

Author Biography

Mihaela Neacsu, University of Pitesti Faculty of Educational Sciences



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