
  • Inga H. ANDREASSEN Associate Professor Bergen University College


Career aspirations, occupational conceptualization, personal values


A longitudinal qualitative research study was conducted which
sought to shed some light on how adolescents think about their future
career and career choices. Nine Norwegian and Icelandic
adolescents born 1996 were followed from age 13-19. Career
aspirations, occupational conceptualization, personal values and the
career decision-making process are key words that describe some of
the main issues of the investigation. Career aspirations represent
individual goals and choices. The aspirations are, among other
things, influenced by the individual self-concept. In this paper we will
look into how the career aspirations and self-concept are expressed
through the participants’ narratives during the research period. How
do the adolescents manage different kinds of transitions in the
aspirations as their self-concept develops with broader experiences
and more awareness of the world of work?


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