If we’d have the courage to cope with the future with optimism, at least three different “start-up†would open our teaching path: educating to deal with the uncertainties of our times, education through reflection and processing a project. These three goal can be achieved through different games.
           Teaching to live with uncertainty of our times begins with learning to keep distances from excessive control. Submitting a dialogue game is a wonderful way to learn how to respect rules.
           Teaching to live with uncertainty reflection can be cultivated through games which deal with life issues sustained by a debate. This “ludosophical†practice stimulates children to think by themselves.
           Teaching to the project means offering different opportunities to put into practice their own skills to obtain a specific goal, like, for instance, inviting the children to create a project of a toy with a few simple materials.
           The greatest exponents of our times invite us to travel through different paths to educate children to cope with the future and most of these paths can be enjoyed through games.
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