Techniques that stimulates creativity in primary school, during the activities of communication
creativity, practical techniques, Brainstorming, synactis, literary compositions.Abstract
The article “Techniques that Stimulates Creativity
in Primary School, During the Activities of
Communication†presents both creativity in the theoretical
works and some pragmatic techniques that can stimulate
creativity in pupils.
In other words, we offer some points of view about
creativity and examples of practical techniques that
stimulate pupils’ creativity.
We think that one of the aims of school, in addition tothat of
teaching studentshow to learn, is to develop the creativity
they possess.
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In primary education, they can achieve the following major types of compositions: 1.
compositions based on given material as support (iconographic material, known texts,
proverbs, sayings, riddles, their drawings, landscapes, etc. observed in nature.); 2. free
composition; 3. composition-mail and official purpose;4. grammatical composition
(assuming the integration of certain linguistic structures or lexical).Following the technique
used by teachers, school compositions can be:1. with a given beginning; 2. with a given
ending;3. with some given terms; 4. with statements of support. Set out in the latter case, the
composition can be presented as a text with missing words. After the predominant mode of
exposure, composition can be: 1. narrative 2. descriptive.