Personality profiles and risk behaviours in students from universities in Timis county, Romania


  • Brigitha Vlaicu „Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara
  • Oana Suciu „Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara
  • Sorin Ursoniu „Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara
  • Adina Bucur „Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara
  • IonuÅ£ Radu „Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara
  • Poesis Petrescu WestUniversity Timisoara


personality profile, developmental stage, risk behaviours, late school period


In the performed study we investigated the
personality profiles in students from universities in Timis
County, and students with risk behaviours (tobacco smoke,
alcohol and drug consumption, suicidal and aggressive
behaviours and risk sexual behaviour). The method
consisted on two epidemiological enquiries, a crosssectional
survey (Freiburg Personality Inventory – FPI 212
– for personality profile establishing) and another
retrospective (CORT – 2004 – for risk behaviours
investigation), applied together, individual and anonymous
on a sample of 2124 students from universities in Timis
County. Obtained result indicated a profile with high ranks
(rank 7) of the scales FP1 Nervousness and FP9 Sincerity
for entire sample, the same profile for smokers, low ranks
(rank 3 and 2) of the scale FP8 Inhibition for alcohol and
drugs consumers respectively, average ranks (4-6) of all the
scales for students with suicidal behaviour, low rank (rank
3) of the scale FPE Extroversion for students physical
aggressive, high ranks (rank 7) of the scale FP5 Sociability
for students verbal aggressive and with risk sexual
behaviours. The students with risk behaviours excepting
suicidal have high ranks (7) of the scales FP1 Nervousness
and FP9 Sincerity. In conclusion, Freiburg Personality
Inventory can be used successfully to assess personality 

profile for a group of people at a specific period of life
(developmental stage).


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