Research concerning psychological abilities of the successful school manager


  • Corneliu Novac TSTD - University of Craiova


managerial success, adaptive conduct, characteristic adaptations, personality traits, the BIG FIVE model, sociability, openness to creative ideas, agreeability, reliability, analytical intelligence, emotional intelligence


The current research tackles a particular aspect of psychosocial
problem of successful school management: the extent to which
psychological variables related to the personality of the leader
may condition the efficiency and implicitly the success of his
managerial actions. By applying the NEO PI-R questionnaire to
50 teachers and school managers in the district of Dolj, we have
come to the conclusion that the most important psychological
variables that influence the success in management are:
sociability, agreeability openness to new teaching experiences,
analyticaland emotional intelligence.
We have also tried emphasize the skills needed for a school
manager in his attempt to fulfill the requirements resulting from
his status and to motivate his subordinates in achieving the goals
of the organization, be it a class of pupils, a school, a school
inspectorate or a ministry.


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