About school network decentralization in Gorj county
education, decentralization, quality, upgrading, efficiency.Abstract
This paper presents practical aspects of
decentralization school network encountered last year in Pre
School in Gorj. This took into account the reorganization of
school network according to school population dynamics,
especially in rural areas of labor mobility in both urban and
rural areas, at the request of local communities in order to
ensure equal opportunities to education for all children,
increasing quality of education, upgrading school facilities
and cost effectiveness of educational administration
In this highly complex process are covered actions and
different areas of the local and school curricula, pupils’
choices and their correlation with local needs of the present
and future labor market. It stresses the complementary
activities of this phenomenon, those related to school
management, counseling and guidance, training, financial
management, academic and extracurricular programs and
projects, EU projects, partnerships and examples of good
practice, inclusion and social cohesion at EU level.
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