
  • Mihaela 2 Ciobanu Grasu „Alexandru IoanCuza”University, IaÅŸi
  • Alois GherguÅ£ „Alexandru IoanCuza”University, IaÅŸi


educational inclusion, children with special educational needs, maltreatment, inclusive schools


The inclusion of children with special educational needs in
mainstream schools is based on positive values such as acceptance of
differences, respect for diversity, human solidarity, the fight against exclusion
and marginalisation but it also involves a change in school policy. Through a
qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews applied to the relevant
actors, the article examines the forms of maltreatment that may appear in the
case of children with special education needs when schools and social actors
are insufficiently prepared to adapt to this change. The article identifies some
solutions adopted by the school staff and proposes several measures to
prevent the phenomenon of victimisation of children with special educational
needs in inclusive schools.


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