religion, religious education, learning content.Abstract
Defining the purposes of Religious Education is a complex process
through the learning content is associated in an explicit way with pedagogical
formulations agreed in a particular historical stage. The intention of these
actions is to facilitate the utilization of the learning formative character of the
religious content in different educational contexts. This study proposes an
examination of the Religion syllabus elaborated after 1989, particularly at the
content of learning. Formative level of learning content - which in
Christianity is a unitary structure and it is centered on the Person and
teachings of Jesus Christ - know different stages: some of its components are
formative themselves and others become formative through the educational
process proceeding with the aim to attain their knowledge and through the
intellectual, emotional, volitional and action structures that are developing.
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experiences, possible by covering situations of life by educating the
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superior, by learning and living the word. All this requires a curriculum that
includes immutable values of Christianity in a structure as close to life
changing experiences of new generations.
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