
  • Steliana Toma Teachers Training Department, University of Civil Engineering Bucharest


teacher, competence, occupational standard, professional standard,


Literature proposes several models of defining the teachers' professional
standards. Each model has its strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the purpose of this
paper is to identify them and to discuss which model is more accurate. To solve this
research question, a critical analysis of existing literature has been done. The
paper reviews some published teachers' standards on a widely recommended
approach called competence-based teachers' training. It involves placing teachers'
training and teachers' personal and professional development within a realschools-
life context. The key concepts utilized by all of them are standard and
competence, but they are used with a lot of meanings as are demonstrated by
relating 8 indentified Romanian models to some continuity - discontinuity elements
of the process of developing standards for the teaching career. Because of the many
theoretical and methodological problems with the existing models,
recommendations are made describing the need for more and better designed


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