
  • Georgiana Alexandra Serbu University of Bucharest


pre-school, personality variables, creativity, stimulation,


The need to stimulate creativity comes from the necessity of developing the personality according to the current requirements prescribed by the educational ideal: "the free, integral and harmonious development of human individuality, in the formation of the autonomous and creative personality".Creativity, as a personality variable, has the power to influence the entire development of the child, influencing its integration into the microgroups of which he takes part initially, but with particular influences on the subsequent social roles the child performs as part of the society.Education is the "link between the potential for development given by the heredity and the infinity of possibilities of the social environment." (P. 32, Tomsa coord.) In other words, education is the one that imprints the development of personality from earliest ages. That's why its role in child’s development is primary. In fact, the prescribed education requirements are different due to changes in the educational act. There are new valences, roles and functions that education fulfills and that is why it is important to advance techniques, methods and strategies that support us in the educational activity. In virtue of these things, the importance of creativity as a personality variable becomes acute, and the stimulation of children to develop a creative and autonomous personality becomes an imperative.The current challenges of contemporary education lead to the implementation from early childhood of strategies to support the child in developing a creative, innovative personality that can adapt to current and future society needs. That is why the stimulation of creativity becomes a challenge for the teachers who are supposed to support the child in the process of developing holistic and harmonious personality.


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