
  • Sylvia Esser Action Painting: An Interactive Method To Work With Heterogeneous Target Groups And To Create An Inclusive Environment Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany


Inclusive Education, Professionalization, Heterogeneous Groups, Methodical-Didactics, Role of Teachers & Learners,


In the following research article, I describe the foundations of a workshop concept for the application of the Action Painting method in the context of professionalization processes in the educational and pedagogic field. This link shall form the appropriate starting point for an understanding of professionalism within the framework of inclusive education, which targets the development of an inclusive and diversity-sensitive approach by education professionals. At the same time, I refer back to a method suitable for the (further) development of reflective skills of educational staff as well as the independent development and operationalization of novel didactic education settings with concrete applicability. I will show that Action Painting, within the framework of performative didactics, can be viewed as a suitable method for taking into account this didactic dual principle in the context of inclusive education with a focus on the heterogeneity of learning groups.


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