creative self-efficacy, measurement, latent variable, Rasch model,Abstract
The purpose of this investigation is to establish a unidimensional interval scale for measuring students’ creative self-efficacy. Latent variable “creative self-efficacy†is defined operationally – by means of a set of indicators. Each of the indicators characterizes one of the aspects of creative self-efficacy. The creative self-efficacy construct is measured in framework of the theory of latent variables based on Rasch model. The questionnaire as the measuring tool possesses high differentiating ability. The analysis of variance of results of measurements is used for comparison of creative self-efficacy of students depending on their gender and department. It is shown that based on this latent variable there is no statistically significant difference between females and males; however, there is a statistically significant difference between departments. The least value of creative self-efficacy belongs to students of faculty of physical training and biology, while the greatest value belongs to students of philology. There is a possibility to correct the set of the indicators characterizing the latent variable and thus to specify the content of the construct “creative self-efficacyâ€.References
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