
  • Laura Sara Agrati Open University ‘Giustino Fortunato’, Benevento


digital resources, case-study, multimodal teaching,


The effective teacher's mediation specifically take place in adapting learning content and learning environment, according to the students' learning needs. As the studies confirm, technologies do not directly effect on students' learnings if they are not used in multimodal way by the teacher. This leads to a rethinking the teacher's technological and digital skills and to deepen the teacher’s multimodal ability to integrate teaching resources. Starting from the researches on teaching differentiation, the proposal describes an in-depth study on the multimodal strategies of an history teacher in case of a student with Autism in a Primary School class. The triangulation analysis of data highlighted emerging aspects concerning three levels of differentiation strategies: content, process and product. These findings, confirming the meta-analyses already known, offer insights on the teachers’ multimodal skill and lead to deepen the studies on the relationship between digital resources and school inclusion.


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