Neoliberal Policies and Education, Education and Alienation, Rationality and Subjectivation,Abstract
The essay analyses policies for Brazilian education with the purpose of reconfigurations underwent by labor, in the current neoliberal phase of capitalism; particularly, due to having always attributed to labor an opposite character to that of this ideology.The State offers guarantees for the production and reproduction of capital in situations of deepened crisis and transforms social rights, such as education and health, into marketable services. In this perspective, professors experience at universities a highly competitive and threatening atmosphere of loss of rights, which deploys control, threatens autonomy, and limits freedom of professorship, which is founded upon freedom of thought and of expression. The conflict they experience while working, now under surveillance and possibly criminalization, produces a state of insecurity and fear which may result in emotional disorders or depression. How to resist to this rationale and to the resulting processes of subjectivation is what we seek to point out.References
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