
  • Joana Paulin Romanowski Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná-PUCPR/UNINTER
  • Pura Lucia Oliver Martins Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná-PUCPR
  • Simone Regina Manosso Cartaxo Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa-UEPG


Teacher education, Learning for teaching, Teaching practice,


This text discusses the teacher education effected in undergraduate courses in teaching learning. The research problem asks: What learning for teaching profession are developed by the students in undergraduate courses? The research was conducted with 85 graduate teachers who work in basic education in Curitiba, Brazil, through interviews. The research is qualitative, considering the description of the participants' testimonies as the primary source. The analyzes follow the systematization of the content based on Bardin (2010) and Flick (2013) using ATLAS TI; as references: Schulman (1986), Fullan and Langworthy (2014), Marcelo (2013), Imbernón (2017). The results indicate the education for the transmission of knowledge to be taught and the learning of the teaching practice reinforces the transmissive teaching. The undergraduate courses value the learning of specific knowledge without emphasis on pedagogical knowledge. The conclusions indicate the need for changes in the learning focus of undergraduate courses: new ways of teaching, incorporating technologies and education for research.


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