

  • Mohammed Auta Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
  • Esther O. EGWU


Workplace; Performance; TVET; Tracer-Study; University.


The research was a tracer study on work place performance of University Technology Vocational Education (TVET) Student–Teachers. Four research questions guided the study. The study adopted survey design, and the population was 45 involving Principals, Vice principals, Deans of Studies and Heads of the Department of technical subjects in 9 secondary schools in Anambra State where Technology and Vocational Education Student – Teachers of Nnamdi Azikiwe University were posted for Teaching Practice during the 2018/2019 academic session. No sampling was done in the study because the population was small. The instrument for data collection was 40 items questionnaire developed by the researcher on a 5 point response scale. Descriptive statistics of mean and Standard Deviation were employed in data analysis. The findings revealed that University TVET Student-Teachers performed to a High Extent in lesson planning, lesson presentation, classroom management and evaluation of learning outcomes. Based on the findings it was recommended among others that Universities should be ensure that lecturers responsible for teaching educational measurement and evaluation course are kept abreast with the modern trend in skill evaluation.

Author Biography

Esther O. EGWU

Department of Technology and Vocational Education,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka-Nigeria


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