inclusive education; special needs education (SEN); school inclusion; disabilities.Abstract
The school for diversity allowed for a new approach to the learning
activities in school, which is also determined by the need to ensure equal
opportunities for access to education for all members of a community. In
this respect, many studies have evaluated teacher attitudes towards the
integration and inclusion of children with special educational needs in
schools. Our research aimed at identifying a significant relationship
between the attitudes of teachers in mass education on the school inclusion
of students with SEN and the underlying factors. The group of subjects
included a total of 961 teachers in primary and middle education in
Romania. The findings of the research have shown the existence of a
diversity of attitudes, perceptions and opinions about the opportunity of
integrating students with SEN into mainstream education; some perceptions
highlight the role and importance of common learning experiences in a
school and focus on the need for special efforts by all actors involved, both
at system and school level. There are also opponents who do not exploit this
educational practice in schools in our country, but are rather attached to
the traditional model partially characterized by numerous prejudices,
stereotypes and negative attitudes towards students with SEN.
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