preschool teachers;European framework for the digital competences; digital competences of educators; key competencies in education for 21st century; pre-school teacher education; methodology of teaching; attitudes of educators; Environmental studies; vocational studies; academic studies.Abstract
The study examines the attitudes of future pre-school teachers in preschool institutions about 21st-century digital skills, especially in the field of Methodology of Teaching Environmental Studies. The aim of the research was to examine whether future preschool teahers recognized the possibilities of applying digital technologies in educational work, through self-assessment of digital competencies, and whether there was a statistically significant difference in the attitudes of students of vocational and academic studies. The sample included 125 students, future preschool teachers (57 respondents from vocational studies and 68 respondents from academic studies). The attitudes of students, future preschool teahers, were examined using a five-point Likert-type scale created on the basis of the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators. The results of the study showed that future pre-school teachers had positive attitudes and recognized the possibilities of applying digital technology in preschool educational work. Future pre-school teachers positively evaluate their 21st-century digital skills, but in general there is a statistically significant difference in the self-assessment of digital competencies between students of academic and vocational studies, that is, students of academic studies have more positive attitudes about digital competencies compared to students of vocational studies.
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