family, education, social integration, disability.Abstract
The role of the family is to support the child with disabilities, so that he develops as a person. The harmonious structure of the family and the involvement of the family in the care and education of the child with disabilities, as well as the social environment, have a positive influence on the quality of life and social integration. The proper involvement of the whole family (nuclear family and extended family) in the care of the child with disabilities, promotes the quality of life and social integration of disabled children. The involvement of all family members in the process of educating children with disabilities brings a valuable resource for the quality of life and social integration. An increased quality of life of children with disabilities and a good social integration are observed especially if the family is harmonious, if the involvement of the family is also high and if, at the same time, the family environment is urban. We generally observe that the results in the ten cases vary, from the perspective of the variables: family structure, degree of care for the disabled child (family involvement in the care and education of the disabled child), social background (rural / urban). Depending on these variables, we expected to identify their influence on the quality of life of the disabled child and on the social integration.
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