The study analyses the efficiency of the constructivist teaching models in forming the reflexive capacity of the students – the future teachers. The goals of the research aimed at establishing connections, correlations between the use of some constructivist teaching models (the ERR model; the 5E’s model; the ETER model; the CETP/SIS model; the OSIOS model; the ABERA model) and the development of the reflexive competence of students as well as the improvement of their academic results. To establish the statistical relevance of both the correlations and the difference between the averages of grades obtained at the end of the research, compared to the initial period, we used the Pearson correlation index and the Z test. Some of these models proved their efficiency in forming the reflexive competence of students. The results obtained following the Z test, pointed out the efficiency of using the constructivist teaching in improving the academic performances of students.References
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