
  • Mahmood KHALIl Academic College for Teacher Education
  • Reuven LAZAROWITZ Department of Education in Science and Technology
  • Rachel HERTZ-LAZAROWITZ Faculty of Education, University of Haifa


High school science curricula has to include side by side science-technology content knowledge as well as pedagogical content knowledge  in a continuous  interaction in order to answer issues of relevancy of both of them to students' needs.

Two main roles of science education for high schools students will be addressed, so science curricula will be adequate for the 21st century.

1.The role of Science Technology Society (STS) learning units, which have to use specific teaching/learning strategies, and specific learning settings, so students will acquire  science-technology literacy connected to societal issues, which can facilitate their integration and participation in our advance society and will be able to find a job based on their learning

2.The role of moral education, values and attitudes via acquiring knowledge in science content knowledge as Dreyfus (1995) emphasized that "biological knowledge is a prerequisite for the development of students' values and attitudes.

Science knowledge role is not only for academic achievement and mastery of cognitive and meta- cognitive skills, but to educate students on the affective domain being active in the community life based on moral values and positive attitudes toward societal issues, like social justice, preservation of the environment and peace, the last two being addressed due to the fact of having a mutual impact connection in one of the STS learning unit presented in continuation.


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