Inclusive education is a complex and lengthy process which requires continuous analysis, adjustments and development, in order to achieve inclusive policies and practices starting with the early education. In Romania there is a tradition of inclusive education, a tradition which was applied, in 2011, by the RENINCO Association.
This organisation, along with its international partners, has set up a professional body for the promotion and implementation of inclusive education in Romania named GREI (Grupul Român Pentru Educație Incluzivă / The Romanian Body for Inclusive Education), whose main objective is to connect Romania to the European and international efforts to achieve inclusive education, and to sustain and develop the Romanian mode initiative, including its implementation at national and European level.
The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of a study based on documents that contain the legislation, principles and strategies of integration of children with SEN in early education, with a view to implementing these in the integration of antepreschool children with SEN. It is well known that early identification of special needs offers the best chance for intervention and recuperation.
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