
  • Alina TURCULEÈš University of Bucharest
  • Cristina TULBURE 2Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov


The relationship between parents and children is defining in order to assure the harmonious development of children’s personality, the parent being the first educator who significantly draws the emotional and relational trajectory of the future adult. Our study presents a psycho-pedagogical experiment which was unfolded along a school year, upon a target population of 20 pre-school children and 20 parents. The main objective of the study was the implementation of an improvement program intended to improve parents’ and children’s level of emotional development. The implemented formative intervention centered around presenting some strategies of emotional education, the importance of awareness and control of emotions, identifying desirable behaviors of children and modalities to punish the inadequate behaviors. The results of our study reflect the influence the parent’s emotional development has upon the child’s emotional development. All these are in agreement with those belonging to the international research which proves the deep and lasting impact of the parents’ emotional aptitudes upon the child’s emotional life. The scores obtained by children are the result of the concomitant action of the formative intervention of parents and teachers, and that confirms once more the necessity for deliberate and convergent actions of the three main factors: family, school, community.



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