
  • Grozdanka Gojkov Teacher Training Faculty in Belgrade Preschool Teacher Training College “M. Palov” in Vrsac


The text considers instructional approach to research on cognitive correlates and components, as guidelines for new methodological approaches. Possibilities have been considered to encourage metacognitive abilities through didactic instructions, as well as the contribution such an approach could have for insights into didactic incitement of meta-components. The aim of the explorative research is to consider the relation between didactic instructions and metacognitive abilities, along with the influence of this relation on the efficacy in problem solving in teaching, i.e. learning effects. The research was undertaken on a deliberate sample consisting of 365 students enrolled at Teacher Training Faculty (1st to 4th year of undergraduate studies) and Preschool Teacher Training College “M. Palov†in Vrsac. Didactic instructions, intellectual abilities, metacognitive and creative reactions were predictive variables, the effects shown at problem tasks solving was a criterion variable. The method of the research refers to the systematic non-experimental observation. Intentional varying of the variables has not been undertaken, while statistical replacements have been done for experimental control. The following instruments have been used: protocol for metacognition self-observation (MK1 – done for the purpose of previous research and); problem tasks, Urban-Jelen’s creativity test, Domino D-48, mostly saturated by G-factor; on the other hand it has been found according to inter-correlation that each item explicates specific part of the variance; it differentiates the above-average well; non-verbal-perceptive material. Basic findings refer to the following:
• The relation between intellectual and metacognitive abilities and problem solving has confirmed the interdependence of the variables, leading to the conclusion that the success in problem solving is followed by high abilities. At the same time, meta-components have significantly influenced the success in problem solving (r=0.45 with 0.01 as significant).
• It is possible to notice the differences in metacognitive abilities according to the analysis of introspective protocols. They are preserved even when intellectual potentials are controlled. The importance of non-cognitive elements and the possibility to view metacognition as some form of personal complex (even as one of the aspects of individual’s cognitive style) explicates the fact that the integrity of metacognition seems to be impossible to seize.

• Significant difference has been confirmed in favour of those with the highest scores in meta-statements. The differences have been manifested in intellectual potential, success in problem solving and creativity.
• According to the factor analysis of didactic instructions efficient in provoking meta-statements, 10 factors have been found within which the following observed instruction are classified: classification, information control, error analysis, flexible approaches, encouragement, explication formulation, getting back to given pieces of information, analysis of important moments, evaluation of the possibility reach the aim, overview of previous strategies and patterns, additional reflection on relations in a given situation.


Author Biography

Grozdanka Gojkov, Teacher Training Faculty in Belgrade Preschool Teacher Training College “M. Palov” in Vrsac



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