
  • Fabiana Martinescu „Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu


psychomotricity, refereeing, development, training


In the specialized literature, there always appears the idea of the relationship between the biological, physical and motric development and mental and psychic development in general. Thus, there is the general opinion that the act of movement, its quality, is closely linked to consciousness, that when producing movement there is an interdependence between biological and psychic factors, that the motor structure is in a relation of interconnection, interaction and consubstantiality with all structures of the human psyche, including the intellect, that the various neurodynamic disorders of the cortex adversely affects the quality of the cortical analysis function of sensorial stimulation, thus the quality of the response motor act and the motor limitation negatively affect the psychic organization, resulting in less information which, in turn, has negative implications on the general intellectual development.


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